is an Italian leading consultancy firm specialized in the sectors of water, environment, civil engineering. Water and environment are now the key sectors of Studio Tecnico Ing. Tagliaro's activities, both in Italy and abroad


Design of civil hydraulic works

The hydraulic design of civil works can be said to be the practice of hydraulic engineering. The scope ranges from the design of aqueducts, sewage waste, etc. ...


Hydraulic and hydrological consulting

Technical Consultancy, is becoming increasingly important and is often the decisive factor. The activities are carried out by a technical consultant in the distinct roles of CTU and CTP.


Project management

The project manager is the professional choice by the customer, based on the works to be performed for the execution of such works in order to follow the regular course of the yard.


Hydraulic compatibility Assessments

To avoid the burden of the condition of the hydraulic system must provide for the implementation of appropriate measures with compensatory functions of the alteration caused by the new urbanization.


Advice and practices for water wells for domestic use, irrigation and geothermal.

Water wells for domestic use, irrigation and geothermal. From choosing the best location of the survey, the cost estimate, design work, and finally to the project manager.


Hydrological and hydraulic modeling

You determine the course of the entire river basin under study in HEC-HMS. Then we proceed to the creation of the stream in HEC-RAS.

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